

Computers are used in almost every walk of life. Actually we live in a time where everything is largely dependent on the digital world. In St. Peters school computer lab help the children to get access to the extensive world of information that they desire with the help of computer. Through the medium of computer the students can learn better to make various subjects easy and suitable. My desire to make the future generation well equipped with the use of computers hence it is very necessary to make the computer lab for the modern method of education.


Library is the source to inculcate students English skills i.e. Reading, Speaking, Listening and writing. A Library is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. In the School, Library supports the Students and teachers by providing access to current, adequate and appropriate information resources. It is also to ensure that all the students may effectively use the idea and information. Therefore let this room be a beacon to all those who read.


School play ground and school play time is vitally important to children for their fun and relaxation as well as for their good health. In St. Peters school we have a specious play ground for all round development of the child i.e. body mind and soul as play ground play important role in their daily life for fulfilling their interest .St. Peters school give a platform to all the students to put enormous positive impact on children's development and learning . We do take initiative to provide students with leisure facilities to made primary education livelier and happier.